
AEngD launch conference 2012 - videos

The Association of Engineering Doctorates' launch conference was filmed so that anyone unable to attend could see and hear what was discussed.

Dr Paul Golby (chairman of the EPSRC and of Engineering UK) gave the keynote.

The Rt Hon David Willetts MP, Minister for Universities and Science, spoke.

Prof James Powell talked about being "the midwife of the EngD" 20 years earlier.

Prof Nick Weston of Renishaw plc's Edinburgh office talked about the EngD from an industry sponsor's perspective.

An EngD alumni view was given by Dr Gareth Rice, now head of environmental at O2 Telefonica.

Rolls-Royce plce research engineer Charlotte Dunford talked about her EngD research.

Prof Kees van Hee (Stan Ackermans Institute) gave a European view of EngD-equivalent research.

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More photographs are available on the AEngD Flickr page (see also gallery on the AEngD's Facebook page). And more videos are available on the AEngD YouTube channel.