
EngD Centres

Manufacturing Advances Through Training Engineering Researchers

Swansea University

MATTER.jpgMATTER (Manufacturing Advances Through Training Engineering Researchers) is a venture funded by EPSRC through Swansea University that will support 26 EngD students over four years. MATTER has been developed to provide doctoral level research in advanced manufacturing across three themes:

  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Packaging

These themes are critical manufacturing areas for the UK economy and the development and improvement of new manufacturing processes and products will ensure the rapid growth and competitiveness of these sectors. MATTER had its first intake of six students in October 2011.


leczNedia gfdkbrNediaXB

dfdeczNedia wantingNediaIZ

Arnoldcef ArnoldcefYZ

zhelikaNedia stefanaNediaIZ

galinuhaNedia LeraNediaXB

lfhifNedia kzNediaXB

Cnaygsmoky CnaygsmokyCM

dkflbvbhfNedia byfNediaXB

Chapligabop ChapligabopZZ

HerbertLen HerbertLenZB

Samueldueri SamueldueriLC

Loris lukinichnaVY

Davidfut DavidfutOB

PinUz241ror PinUz241rorHL

Genue GenueZA

lentastudiaquelo lentastudiaqueloDU

JaymeDuh JaymeDuhZU

Jamescor JamescorUJ

androsha AnthonyVY

Humbroly igusVY

charleshicktw charleshicktwZM

RichardCycle RichardCycleOM

Williamdiede WilliamdiedeEC

kspnuh kspnuhSC

Amir Jalalian-Khakshour

Stuart Sillars

Adam Philo

Souren Nemo

Joel Troughton

Richard Holliday

Ed Carter

Thomas Jones

talon garikayi

Brian Edy

DarnellLix DarnellLixCA

RobertDip RobertDipPQ

RobertDob RobertDobTM

Davidexemn DavidexemnEH

CharlesNib CharlesNibDZ

RalphKag RalphKagSW

parimatch parimatchYP

Heatherquinc HeatherquincPE

rybhytdeank rybhytdeankYG

LauraNug Lauratow

Rebecca White

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